How To Properly Seal The Gap Between The Wall and Bathroom Floor?
Not many things are more tedious than having a noticeable gap between the wall and your toilet. Unfortunately, it’s not an easy fix either. However, with some due diligence, you can get it fixed quickly. Here are some of the basic steps you should take when you have a gap that you want to close.
Why Is It Important To Fix The Gap?
There are plenty of different reasons you will want to fill this gap in your bathroom walls sooner rather than later. For one, the gap can prove to be the perfect breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria and mold if you don’t close it. Also, if you have smaller children it could pose danger to them. They could poke around the back and get their tiny hands stuck or cut. Also, it could prove to be an easy entry point for pests to get into your home. Last, but not least important, it can make your home look bad, dirty, and unfinished. By effectively sealing the gap, you can rid yourself of these easily preventable problems.

The Required Tools and Materials:
– Putty Knife
– Caulk
– Caulk Gun
– Loose rags
A Step-by-Step Guide:
1. Figure Out The Issue
Before getting started on working to fill the gap between your bathroom wall and floor, you need to figure out what the problem is. Where did the gap come from? Why is there now a gap between the wall and the toilet? There are a couple of issues that could have resulted in the gap in the first place. For one, your toilet’s wax ring could have failed. The other could be that the bolts that are supposed to hold the toilet have loosened.
If you don’t know the reasoning for the gap being created, you’ll want to do some diagnostics. You want to do some basic troubleshooting to figure out what the problem is. Firstly, you can start to wiggle your toilet. If the toilet moves, you’re likely dealing with loosened bolts. The bolts should be tight enough that the toilet doesn’t move around. If the toilet doesn’t move during this stage, it likely means that the gap is the result of the wax ring’s seal failing.
2. Measure It
When you are trying to fix the gap between the toilet and the wall, you’re going to want to measure it. Measuring the gap is one of the best things you can do to get an accurate assessment of how to best solve the problem. You want to know how far out the gap extends. You can use a tape measurer to figure out how large the gap is. This is going to give you a good idea of the best solutions to fill it.
3. Pick a Method
There are several different ways you can go about filling a gap like this. You are going to want to do your due diligence to try and pick the right one. One of the easiest and quickest ways to fill a gap between your bathroom floor and wall is by using caulk. You would apply the caulk within the gap using a caulk gun. This is a flexible sealant that is going to fill the gap. An alternative method would be to use expanding foam. This is likely to last a lot longer, but it’s also more difficult in its application.
4. Use Caulk
If you aren’t dealing with too large of a gap, you might be better suited to just using caulk. If your gap is less than half an inch wide, caulk is likely to be one of the better options. If you’ve decided on using caulk, you’ll want to start by cleaning out the area around the gap with a sharp item like a putty knife. This is to ensure that the caulk adheres to the surface better. Once that’s done, you will want to run a bead of caulk along the entire length of the gap. This is to ensure that you have enough to seal it. From there, you would want to use a flat tool or even your finger to smooth the caulk out along the edges and wipe away any excess as you don’t want it to look messy.
5. Use Expanding Foam
If you do have a large gap that isn’t suitable for caulk, it’s time to break out the expanding foam. You’ll want to use expanding foam to be on the safe side for wider gaps. You need to ensure it’s safe for indoor and outdoor use. Some expanding foams on the market are corrosive. You also need to wear gloves when you are working with this foam. You don’t want it to come in direct contact with your skin. It’s also best to use safety goggles and long sleeves for the same reason.
6. Use a Toilet Flange Repair Kit
If you have a gap that is larger than half an inch wide, you will likely need to head out and get a toilet flange repair kit. This is a professional kit that includes everything you need to correct the problem you’re dealing with. It will include a brand new extension ring, new bolts, and new nuts. For installation, you will want to completely remove the old nuts and bolts. From there, you’re ready to install the new extension ring over the flange so it’s completely flush with the wall. Lastly, you are ready to install the new nuts and bolts.
7. Fix Your Loose Toilet
If you have a toilet that is rocking back and forth, you need to tighten it. This is something that can eventually lead to there being a gap between your toilet and the wall. To solve this, you will want to tighten all of the bolts that secure the toilet to the floor. You can do this by removing all of the caps on the bolts and utilizing a wrench to tighten them into place. Once you have all of the bolts tightened, you can replace the caps that you took off and flush the toilet. If you didn’t do it correctly, you will likely end up with a leak.
8. Test The Toilet
Once you’ve gone ahead and filled all of the gaps between your toilet and the wall, you want to give it a test. You want to do this by flushing your toilet. Do this several times. Your goal is to see whether or not there are any leaks. If you don’t have any leaks, congratulations because you did everything correctly!
9. Call a Professional
If you are still dealing with issues at this point, it’s time to bring in the professionals. You’ll want to call a professional plumber to figure out what the deal is. This is also something you can do if you simply don’t want to deal with the hassle yourself. A lot of people don’t want to try to fix things like this themselves because it can be costly if you don’t do it correctly. It’s also very tedious and time-consuming if you are inexperienced.
How Do You Fix A Large Gap Underneath The Toilet?
There are several different ways to go about fixing a gap beneath the toilet. The first method that you should consider is using caulk. This is generally the best and easiest option. Caulk works as a flexible sealant. Thus, it makes it a good option for filling in smaller crevices, cracks, and gaps. If the gap is rather small, a tube of caulk will likely get the job done. For larger gaps, you will need to do a caulk gun.
If the gap is too wide, it’s time to bring in expanding foam. This is a quick-drying expanding solution that can form a very tight seal when installed properly. It’s better for filling out larger gaps.

Should You Put a Cabinet Above Your Toilet?
Are you thinking about installing a cabinet over your toilet? If so, the gap that exists between the wall and the toilet may be too tight. If it is, you’re likely going to need to use more creativity with your installation process. For instance, you could consider installing it completely flush with the wall or you could install it further away from the wall and use trim to minimize the gap exposure.
Should The Toilet Tank Be Touching The Wall?
You want to have a gap between the tank and the wall itself. This is important to give plenty of room for airflow. You don’t want it to be too tight because excess moisture can get trapped and it can cause bacteria and mold growth. If the tank is touching the wall, you can always consider using shims to create much-needed space.
– Should There Be a Gap Between The Tank and The Toilet Bowl?
You don’t want to have any gap between the toilet bowl and the tank. This is important because otherwise, you could deal with leaks. If you do notice a gap, it’s important to use shims to fill the gaps and to re-create a tight seal. Having gaps in this area is likely to lead to big problems in the future.

What Can I Place Behind The Toilet?
You can put a lot of different things behind a toilet if you want to fill the gaps. Some of the more popular options for your bathroom include a single piece of wood, a piece of metal, or even a stack of bricks.

Final Thoughts
A gap is likely to be a very frustrating experience. However, it doesn’t have to be too frustrating. When you have the right tools, you can the problem solved effectively. These tips should help you close any existing gaps. If you need further assistance, you can call the professionals at Majestic Small Bathroom Remodel Service for help.
For more information contact Majestic small bathroom remodel service at (727) 308-2512.